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Bug#397589: texlive-latex-extra does not contain beamer

Ralf Stubner <ralf.stubner@physik.uni-erlangen.de> wrote:

> Frank Küster wrote:
>> Michael Piefel <piefel@debian.org> wrote:
>>> Package: texlive-latex-extra
>>> Version: 2005.dfsg.2-2
>>> Severity: normal
>>> texlive-latex-extra claims to contain beamer, but does not.
>> Ah, interesting.  It's texlive-latex-recommended that Recommends:
>> latex-beamer.  
>> One part of the fix is going to be:
> Wait a second. IIRC moving beamer from texlive-latex-extra to
> texlive-latex-recommended was part of the TPM reorganisation done some
> time ago. It simply does not make sense to have the (old) prosper in
> texlive-latex-recommended while the currently used beamer or powerdot
> are in texlive-latex-extra. Hence I think it is only the description
> that has to be fixed.

Thanks for noticing.  So that makes

--- tpm2deb.cfg	(Revision 1941)
+++ tpm2deb.cfg	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -529,6 +529,9 @@
 depends;texlive-full;pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1), latex-beamer (>= 3.06.dfsg.1-0.1), latex-xcolor (>= 2.09-1)
 recommends;texlive-pictures;pgf (>= 1.01.dfsg.1-1)
+# beamer is in collection texlive-latex-extra, but prosper is in 
+# *-recommended.  This doesn't make sense: Let beamer be 
+# recommended by texlive-latex-recommended
 recommends;texlive-latex-recommended;latex-beamer (>= 3.06.dfsg.1-0.1)
 recommends;texlive-latex-recommended;latex-xcolor (>= 2.09-1)

For this part of the "bug".

Regards, Frakn
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)

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