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Re: License of pfb2t1c & t1c2pfb reviewed

> 1. There is no "Public Domain" in German Law. I don't know for
> Austrian, but i guess it is the same.
> What to do about that? Would you mind to release the software under
> GPL? No, I won't copy the whole wording into the headers of these
> two little C files.
> 2. If you answer the question above positively (or choose another
> license, which makes the package freely distributable according to
> the DFSG[1]): Would you be so kind to sign the message digitally
> using your GPG key? I guess
> http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x1B6EF74E&op=vindex
> is yours. The sponsor said, that this step is not 100% necessary,
> but would ease the job, as everybody can prove that the statement
> was made by you.

Yes, that's my GPG key.
Sure, anybody can use pfb2t1c and t1c2pfb under the GPL.

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Digital signature

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