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Re: Font problems with pdflatex

Joerg Sommer <joerg@alea.gnuu.de> wrote:

> I have a script that searches in /etc/ all files created by dpkg during
> an update.
> find /etc -name \*.dpkg-* -o -name \*~ -o -name \*.bak -o -name \*.old
>> On the other hand, with *.postinst-bak, you might not even know that a
>> change was made, let alone whether the automatics managed to migrate all
>> your local adaptations.
> The intention of the script was that I get many questions while updating
> and I often see things I need to update. But this blocks the update
> process and I hit "keep old". After update process ends, I use my script
> to find all files created by dpkg and compare them with the version
> before. Then I edit the files and decide what should happen. The last
> step I did was to set force_confold in ucf.conf and force-confold in
> dpkg.cfg. Now I'm not bothered by file update questions while upgrade.

I understand your intention (although I warn you: Incomatible settings
in configuration files might well break a package's postinst script, or
usability - then you are in a worse situation then when you had answered
the questions at once.  If at all, I'd choose force-confnew and compare
with my manual changes in the backup files).

But I think that neither .dpkg-new nor .bak or .old is a good solution
here:  The first because it wasn't actually dpkg who created the file,
and the second because other people might use just this extension for
their own, manually created files.

So I guess you have to extend your script; I'm of course open to any
discussion what the proper name would be to indicate a backup file
created by a maintainer script, ideally in accordance with other

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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