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Bug#284469: "cp -a" fails on some filesystems, causing postin st failure

On 07.12.04 Frank Küster (frank@debian.org) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de> schrieb:


> > After reading this: How about simply closing these bugs with a
> > little note, that the submitter used a non-official kernel with a
> > broken XFS implementation.
> Well, I hope keeping them will prevent people from reporting it
> over and over again. We just experienced that it doesn't help
> always, but we don't know how many bug reports we didn't get.
> I planned to close the bugs once sarge is released, and Debian
> ships a kernel that includes XFS support.
So we could put a woody tag on in, although this is not really true...

sigmentation fault

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