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Re: pdftex.map screwed up


On Wed, 2004-10-06 at 12:44 +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> > pdftex.map (pdftex_dl14.map and pdftex_dl14.map) are both screwed
> > up and pdflatex does not work any longer (buffer overflow). Running
> > updmap does not help.
> > 
> What does mean: "does not help"?

The newly generated files look as screwed up as the ones before running

> These files should be completely
> newly generated, when calling updmap. What does happen if you try to
> delete them (or move them out of the way) before calling updmap?

Same. They are generated but are filled with the escape sequences.

> The newly created map-files seem to be directly written over the old
> ones and the softlinks are newly created.
> Problems, with your fs? Bad permissions on the map-files?

Nothing like that.

> > When cat'ing one of the two map files they look quite healthy. When
> > editing them you can see that they are broken.
> > 
> Full of control sequences, which seems to be interpreted by cat.

Yes I know. I just wanted to make clear, that they contain not only
garbage. They contain the correct content but with the escape sequences.

> > I have attached both map files.
> >  
> Don't look very good.

Yes... Kind of... ;-)

What about ps2pk.map? ps2pk.map just looks fine (no escape sequences).


Timo Hönig <thoenig at nouse dot net>
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