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Bug#264394: tetex-bin: e-TeX is broken on registers > 255

FYI, I believe that the problem can be worked around (at the expense
of leaking some memory) by changing .../texk/web2c/etexdir/etex.fix to
read as follows:

% Bugfixes for etex.ch version 2.1
% Public Domain.

@x l.1163 - |int_val| is a level, not a value.
    begin cur_val:=int_val;
    begin cur_val_level:=int_val;

@x l.2737 - typo
    else q:=sa_ptr(cur_ptr)
    else q:=sa_ptr(cur_chr)

@x l.5503 - comparison with 0 instead of |null|.
  if cur_ptr<>0 then
  if cur_ptr<>null then

@x l.5514 - do not deallocate even when reference count goes to 0.
begin decr(sa_ref(q));
begin decr(sa_ref(q));

Olaf Weber

               (This space left blank for technical reasons.)

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