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Bug#146803: (fwd) Re: tetex-extra: iso88595.def has a mistake in the set

Got an answer from the original submitter. Will come back to that

----- Forwarded message from Manager 6 <invalid@address.net> -----

From: "Manager 6" <invalid@address.net>
To: Hilmar Preusse <hille42@web.de>
Subject: Re: tetex-extra: iso88595.def has a mistake in the set
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2003 03:13:16 -0500
Message-Id: <200306250813.DAA00390@address.net>
X-Mailer: NeoMail 1.25

Dear Mister,

let us discuss this bug for real because many many people depend on it. 
Basically the two letters ex-changed, are being used only in Serbia and
Montenegro and Macedonia and Bosnia.

They are 4 countries.

I think that your statement was wrong. I have checked the iso-8859-5
code and then I have changed that file for LaTeX. It was before 1 year
or 2 years even. It is good that you came back to me.

Please DO NOT FILE this e-mail address nowhere, in no mailing list. You
are free to quote my text.

Please note that in any other system which uses iso-8859-5, I can see
those two letters (which I cannot describe now in public computer, the
bug describes it) are correct. Only in LaTeX not. Because nobody created
Serbian templates. I have done that. And I have seen that letters are
not correct.

If you have someone near you who speaks Serbian, he might confirm it to

To let me confirm this to you, please let me know what is not clear to you?

My report was alright. You might be unable to see the bag if you do not
know the Serbian language. I have my own Linux distribution where you
can SEE the Serbian cyrillic language: http://linux.yu0.net

You can use them without any disk. Start it, and type: izbor-cir or
izbor-c, you will see the command if you type "TAB" after "izbor..".

Then try to load some file which contain ALL 255 chars. Similar like you
have sent it to me. Note then those two letters, and you will see the
difference. In LaTeX, when DVIed they will show EX-changed.

Let me know.

----- End forwarded message -----
sigmentation fault

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