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Bug#195711: Invalid "bulgarian.ldf"

On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 06:10:59PM +0200, Hilmar Preusse wrote:
> On 01.06.03 Pavel Minev Penev (kal_pav@sz.techno-link.com) wrote:
> Hi,
> > I summon errors from babel's
> > </usr/share/texmf/tex/generic/babel/bulgarian.ldf>.
> > 
> > I use the following test files (attached):
> > [--- begin <t1.tex> --- <=============================================]
> > [--- end <t1.tex> --- |===============================================]
> > 
> I can reproduce your second bug and will forward it to the real
> upstream of babel, if you confirm, that this is a valid LaTeX-File,
> which should run smoothly.

I second.

> Your first bug is a little miracle to me. At my site the document
> runs in case of using the new babel und breaks with an error, if I
> try to include to old version. Instead of an "doesn't match its
> definition" I get an "undefined control sequnce". The result in the
> first case is an i with two dots on top. I guess, that is not the
> "che" you think about. The only difference I see in the moment is the
> web2c version as I use Debian stable.

I use unstable if this makes the difference. It is expected that the
"ch" letter will not appear properly, since the default OT1 font
encoding does not contain the Bulgarian alphabet (I did not switch font
encodings in the test document to keep it to a minimum). If you add
"\usepackage[X2,T1]{fontenc}" in the preamble of <t2.tex>, you should be
able to see

		|       |
		|       |
		\       |

in the ".dvi". (font encoding T2A and probably others should work as

> A significant difference between the old and the new bulgarian.ldf is
> the usage of different font definitions t2ccmr.fd vs. t2acmr.fd.

I do not believe that the errors are caused by the very switching of
font definitions; the bug probably slipped along with it. Or maybe
<t2ccmr.fd> had a bug that remained undiscovered for the rare usage of
the ".fd"?

Thanks a lot and have a nice They,
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