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Re: Debian maintainer for teTeX

Am Mit, 2002-02-06 um 17.40 schrieb C.M. Connelly:
> I think I tend to go with Atsuhito -- I'm willing to help, but I'm
> less enthusiastic about making uploads.


> I wonder if a good solution would be to have a CVS archive with
> several maintainers able to submit patches, and a smaller group
> able to do uploads based on the contents of the CVS archive.  That
> might make things a bit more flexible, and would also give
> especially eager users a chance to get the source from CVS,
> compile the packages on their own machines, and try them out to
> see if they fix major bugs before new packages are uploaded to the
> Debian archive.

Sounds reasonable. I am willing to coordinate the uploads if I have a
bunch of people who do bug investigation, patches and testing. CVS looks
like a good idea. What do we need for it? 'cvs' and 'cvsweb' ? I have
never set up a CVS repository. I could install it on one of my machines.
Please give me some directions.


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