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Bug#131191: tetex-base: Includes many non-free documents

The '271 documents' figure quoted in a previous message is likely to be
exaggerated; I picked one of the examples at random
(texmf/doc/tetext/TETEXDOC.{pdf,ps}) and found that alongside it was public
domain TeX source:

% teTeX main documentation file. Thomas Esser, 1999. public domain.

Still others, such as texmf/doc/latex/base/ltnews*.dvi, are not
documentation at all, but issues of the LaTeX news. (those particular
documents, as it turns out, are "all rights reserved"...are they even
redistributable?).  These could be removed without causing much distress.

I read some of the discussion on debian-legal about this, and it seems
anything but definitive.  Is it really time to start filing RC bugs against
standard packages during a freeze when this draft of an interpretation is
not even finalized?

 - mdz

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