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Re: DHCP on potato boot floppies status?

Ben Gertzfield <che@debian.org> writes:

> What's the status of DHCP support on the potato boot floppies?  It's
> growing increasingly important on university/business campuses and for
> cable modems.

It's there.

> If the support isn't there, I hereby offer to do whatever it takes
> to get our PCMCIA/DHCP support up to snuff. I'd like to see the
> boot floppies using 'pump', ideally, which is the only decent
> DHCP client these days, IMHO. :)

Please test the 2.2.5 slop builds and see if it works.

Please send any volunteerage for help to

I *really* prefer short succint bug reports rather than long rambling
messages with 8 different bugs mentioned.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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