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Re: Slink upgrade -- package installation problems

Ariel Tankus <arielt@math.tau.ac.il> writes:
>> >    I've been upgrading a Hamm Beta into Slink.  
>> ...  
>> >It mostly went fine, but a couple of times I have received error
>> >messages about non-zero exit codes from gzip -dc
>I've checked my md5sum, just to find out it is ok.
>I would guess that the problem is indeed not this specific
>package, but rather that something is broken in dpkg, apt
>my own database or the like.  The problem is how to recover
>from this situation...
>Is there any way to re-build the packages database
>(except from re-installing them, of course)?

I believe the database consists of only /var/lib/dpkg/status and
/var/lib/dpkg/*, which are all plain text files.  You can look for

I suggest you run strace to try to learn more about the failure:

  strace -o /tmp/log -ff dpkg -i foo.deb

Then look at the last two dozen lines in each of the files /tmp/log*.

	  - Jim Van Zandt

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