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[Debconf13-ch] License and redistribution of your DebConf(10) blog posts

Hi Richard!

Cc:ing the DebConf13-ch mailing list, please redirect any reply there
except if there is something private.

I am part of the team that is trying to organize DebConf13 in
Switzerland and at the last meeting I volunteered to write the document
presenting what DebConf is, what are the needs, etc.:


I think we should re-use as much as possible previous documentation,
this is why I am writing you as the author of some (and AFAIK the only
one of this genre) very useful blog posts about DebConf internals:

- DebConf and Debian

- Timeline of a DebConf

- What is the DebConf team? 

- The DebConf selection process

- How DebConf manages money

- DebConf budgeting for a single conference

- The DebConf registration process

- DebConf Fundraising

- How DebCamp relates to DebConf
- The DebConf travel sponsorship process

- The DebConf talk selection and scheduling process

- DebConf communication channels and decisions 

Two questions:

1) what is the license for your posts above?

1) can I include them in a debian-conference-doc repository, which will
   be available on Alioth and maybe will end up a in a proper Debian

Thank you for all your previous work, I hope to meet you again at the
next DebConf.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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