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BSP in Switzerland


As testing is now frozen since a few weeks, it's bug squashing time
again. To make squeeze the best Debian release ever!

At Debconf I volunteered to organize a BSP in Switzerland. I see three
options for where and when to organize this:

- BSP at the Linux User Group Bern's "Turrican Days" in Cudrefin on
  the weekend of 24th to 26th September. They already invited us to
  join their event back in June [1]. They are very friendly folks and
  seem generally open to the idea of hosting a BSP at their event. The
  location [2] is simple but nice in an old mill renovated to be a group
  lodging. It provides accomodation for 32 people. As the accomodation
  and the "hacklab" would be in the same building, this is an ideal
  location for a small hacking event.
  The downsides of this place are it's somewhat remote location.
  (People arriving or leaving need to be picked up at the next train
  station by car.) And we only have a standard home ADSL connection to the
  Internet (don't know if this can be upgraded). 
- BSP at the FrOSCamp [3] at ETH Zurich on 17th to 18th September. I think
  a BSP would fit in what they call "Hackfest". I did not yet talk to
  the organizer (Hi Axel!) about this and don't know if it's still
  possible propose additional hackfests or if we are too late.
  Infrastructure certainly is not a problem if choose this venue. But
  this is a big event with lots of other things going on and it might
  be difficult to focus on the BSP. Also the event ends on Saturday,
  which effectively means only one day of BSP (considering ppl might
  have to work on Friday).
- BSP at the same place we had the AGM last winter [3]. We could 
  accomodate about 17 people (more just for hacking). Internet
  connection is currently only standard home ADSL, but I hope Init7
  would agree to upgrade it to a faster connection for the BSP. The
  date is yet to be decided. 

I'd like to hear opinions about the best place and date for the BSP.
As we are less than a month before FrOSCamp and the Turrican Days now,
we have to decide this very quickly. I have set up a Doodle poll [5]
and I'd appreciate comments on the list.

And as also my time is limited I'd appricate it if others would help
with organizing. Some tasks:
- Contact potential sponsors (Google, Init7, ...)
- Write announcment to d-d-a
- Managing registration, set up a wiki page where ppl can
  self-register, coordinating transport
- Infrastructure, Do we need a Debian mirror, Connectivity, Cables,
  Switches, Wireless
- Food and accomodation, Menu, shopping list, shopping
- ...


[1] http://lists.debian.ch/community@lists.debian.ch/2010/msg00097.html
[2] http://www5.scout.ch/de/3/pfadiheimstiftung/le-moulin-vd
[3] http://wiki.froscamp.org/Welcome
[4] http://www.aareheim.ch/
[5] http://doodle.com/dd7phcyb6tx8t5zz
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Try again. Fail again. Fail better.
~ Samuel Beckett ~

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