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[T-shirts] Call for new Debian.ch T-shirt designs

Hi all !

As it was discussed during the 2009 AGM, Debian.ch is planning to produce new T-
shirts, as we are slowly running out of the previous designs [0,1]. Because yes, 
we can, it was decided to seek new designs.

===== Call for design proposals =====

Please provide new design proposals for Debian.ch T-shirts.

The winning proposal(s) will be printed on T-shirts then sold by Debian.ch for 
the promotion of Debian (and just for fun too).

The size of the winning set will be discussed from now on, on the 
community@l.d.ch list.

=== Constraints ===

There are no constraints about a particular theme, color, etc: you just have to 
know that your design will be submitted to the Debian.ch voting crowd. To avoid 
controversial designs, the president of Debian.ch will have a veto voice over 
all designs.

=== Technique ===

For the design, you can use any software you are legally allowed to use. For the 
submission of your proposal, please send a signed mail to 
community@lists.debian.ch with at least these things:
a) an SVG version (high quality, will be the source of the eventual print)
b) a PNG version, max 600x600 pixels (for easy preview)

The submitted designs will appear on the debian.ch website for the voting 

Of course you can provide action shots, photomontage, argueing, etc.

=== Schedule ===

I propose the following approximate schedule:

now			Call for design proposals (the mail you are reading)
			Opening of the proposals period
mid-march		Closure of the proposals period
end-of-march	Opening of the voting period for 2 weeks
mid-april		Closure of the voting period
end-of-april	Design choices annoucement and manufacturing

According to this schedule (open for discussion), the proposals period would 
start now and would end in less than two months.

This schedule and the corresponding reminders will be sent regularily on the 
community@lists.debian.ch, with fixed dates as soon as a rough consensus is 

=== Voting procedure ===

Shortly after the proposals period closure, the voting procedure will be 
announced. It will probably (because I cannot ensure to do it in time) be done 
using the Condorcet method, with devotee.

The voting crowd is composed of the Debian.ch members and will be open to 
readers of the community@lists.debian.ch before the beginning of the voting 

=== Winner's price ===

The winner(s) will get their design printed at a large scale (at least 100) and 
will get 3 Debian.ch T-shirts (of their design or of another) for free.

=== Comments ===

Are there comments, complements, questions ?

Thanks in advance for your proposals and see you !


[0] http://debian.ch/merchandise/
[1] The 2009 AGM minutes report
    T-shirts debian.ch classic:              105
    T-shirts debian.ch fusion:               43
    T-shirts anarchism:                      4
Didier Raboud, proud Debian user.
CH-1020 Renens

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