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Re: Big5-HKSCS <-> Unicode gconv module

On Sat, Jan 08, 2000 at 05:15:12AM +0000, ÀÁÀÁÁÔÈË wrote:
|¡¾ ÔÚ zzzz (˯ħÍËÉ¢£¡) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
|: ¡¾ ÔÚ thomas@atlas.datexx.com (Thomas Chan) µÄ´ó×÷ÖÐÌáµ½: ¡¿
|: : Unless people already have GCCS data converted to Unicode 2.0 + PUA,
|: : I don't see the harm in starting right off with HKSCS<->Unicode 3.0 + PUA,
|: : and saving the hassle of converting some PUA codepoints to Unicode 3.0's
|: : CJK Extension A in the near future.
|: Agree.
|: : (Plus claim that Linux is among the first to support Unicode 3.0. :)
|: That would be a plus :)
|But are we absolutely sure that the full HKSCS for ISO 10646 2.0 will be
|accepted by ISO?

I don't know.. (I'm just a little potato). But the changes will not be
very large. Before the government releases the fonts and input tables
to the public, they should have thought that the chance that ISO adopt
their scheme is quite large. Start early is my humble opinion...

FYI, the government's plan can be found at

|: : It looks interesting--I think I could learn to use this system.
|: That thing (don't want to mention the name to promote non-free software
|: here :) claims it to be the chinese input method that has the 'flattest'
|: learning curve. But i forsee that i'll be quite popular...
|Yes. I'd really like that thing to be open sourced, but it is patent 
|pending, as it won't just be used on computers .. (don't want to disclose
|too much here :x)

Of course, no one wants to just use 9 keys on a full keyboard :p

|To zzzz: The preliminary conversion table for xfs-xtt is at 
|http://spacehunt.e-fever.dhs.org/xtt/ , however it currently only maps
|HKSCS directly onto the PUA, ...

Ok. I've used your files and compiled a new version of xfs-xtt and
libxfont-xtt. You can find them at http://www.debian.org.hk/~ypwong/

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: hajime@asunaro.dhs.org / ypwong@debian.org ]

[ This mail was originally sent to  debian-chinese@lists.debian.org ]
[ and was forwarded to this list automatically. Big5 characters are ]
[ also converted to GB at the same time, Please note that there may ]
[ be errors during the conversion as this is not done by a human!   ]

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