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Re: whitehat

On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 05:33:54PM -0800, Alvin Oga wrote:
> > The whole point of the test will be for me to monitor what's happening 
> that you should already be seeing all the attacks you are already
> getitng just by the generic background white-noise-attacks
> 	- and its free ... and doesn't take any time/energy/effort
> 	other than to watch and see what they did and how they're
> 	trying to get in

Bah. Background white-noise attacks right now are not really that targeted
and compromised mainly of SSH brute force attacks (if you are running an SSH
server on the default port), Microsoft Messenger spam and a random collection
of the "worm of the day" attacks mixed up with the "old exploits that
surprisingly still work" (in both cases, very Windows-biased).

At least that's what _I_ see in the honeypots I have access to. Not even
close to what a targeted attack would be.



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