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Re: Getting spam though again :-(

Incoming from Brett Furlong:
> Soz, to pester.
> Got spam though debian security list again...
> Was from  "Jalousies M. Pseudonyms" <careful@shaggin-wagon.com>
> Not winging @ Deb Mail Crew, You guys rock.
> But yeh, is there a way, we can have a human filter all the eMails before they 
> are allowed to be sent to all of us?

A volunteer!  How nice!  :-)  Thank you very much!

Not that they bother me any.  I run Debian!  My ISP runs
Spamassassin.  I use Procmail.  I report spammers (to Spamcop) and
kill their accounts.  SA catches a hundread a day - they're deleted on
my ISP's mailserver.  I get like one or two a day that make it through
to my machine.  [In mutt,] <CTRL>-b, sc, and Boom, they're off to

Spam is only a problem if you're using crappy software, and anything
related to Debian ain't crappy.  Keep it up Debian _volunteer_ mail
crew!  No need to change a thing from my perspective.  =[8]-)

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