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Re: GnuPG can not read some pgp signatures

Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder <grazdan@fortytwo.ch> wrote:
> There is currently no official gpg-agent and pinentry Debian packages, so
> you'll need to either get some unofficial ones (did anybody do any lately?
> I think Ralf Nolden's packages are not online anymore), or compile the
> software yourself as per [1] (last I tried, I had to disable threading on
> some components. But it's been a while, and new releases of most parts are
> out, so I don't know what the current status is).

FWIW, I have this repository in my sources.list:

# gpgme, pinentry, etc.
deb http://bulma.net/~daneel/debian/ ./


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