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Re: tiger: howto eliminate spurious cron errors?


On Wed, 2004-01-07 at 13:26, Michael D Schleif wrote:
> In the spirit of my current endeavor to eliminate noise from tiger, I
> find myself receiving the following stderr reports from tiger via cron:

Excellent.  Not sure if this is the correct list (if not, feel free to
submit bugs or discuss them on the tiger-user/tiger-devel list at: 

>    stdin: is not a tty

This is probably from the check_root cron entry.  Upstream should have
this fixed:

>    /usr/bin/find: /usr/X11R6/bin/: No such file or directory
>    /bin/sed: can't read /etc/printcap: No such file or directory
>    /bin/ls: /boot/boot.b: No such file or directory

These need to be fixed.  I know right where the last two are and have a
good idea on the third one.  I will look at this and get a patch
committed upstream.

> Unfortunately, tiger.ignore cannot help me to eliminate this noise.
> That first one is especially annoying, since I receive it several times
> per day on several servers.

Correct, these are generated via stderr instead of a tiger generate
message so they are nor processes using tiger.ignore.

> What do you think?

Thanks for reporting these!

- Ryan

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