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Re: configuring iptables logging

On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 04:59:28PM -0500, JonesMB wrote:
> Is it possible to get rid of the MAC address and the field that follows 
> it.  All I would like to see is the source and destination IP address and 
> the information after it.  I haven't been able to find any info on the net 
> on how to do this.  All I can think of is modifying the kernel (netfilter) 
> source file but that doesn't seem like a good idea.

Why don't you simply use

cut -f-4,6- -d' ' < logfile

? Sometimes the hardware address can be interesting.

Cheers, Joerg

  \ Joerg Wendland \ systems / network administrator, ITSec, Scan Plus GmbH
   \  *joergland*   \ Moerikestrasse 5, 89077 Ulm, Germany
    \                \ fon +49-731-92013-21, fax +49-731-6027146
     \----------------\ PGP-key: finger joerg@morpheus.ulm.scan-plus.de
      \ key fingerprint: 79C0 7671 AFC7 315E 657A  F318 57A3 7FBD 51CF 8417

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