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Re: GNOME security.

On Wed, Mar 22, 2000 at 01:24:31PM +0000, Sergio Brandano wrote:
>  Alexander Hvostov wrote:
> > Would anyone happen to know if it's possible (without hacking the sources
> > and breaking something) to disable the TCP listen ports that a great deal
> > of GNOME apps seem to listen on?
>  I have the same need. Also, the following thing occours with exactly?
>  the same configuration:
>  on i686:
> Port    State       Protocol  Service
> 22      open        tcp        ssh             
> 80      open        tcp        http            
> 487     open        tcp        saft            
> 515     open        tcp        printer         
> 1026    open        tcp        nterm           
> 6000    open        tcp        X11             
> 12345   open        tcp        NetBus
>  on ppc:
> Port    State       Protocol  Service
> 22      open        tcp        ssh             
> 515     open        tcp        printer         
> 6000    open        tcp        X11             
> 12345   open        tcp        NetBus   
>  Is there any particular reason why saft, printer and nterm have to
>  appear? I do not want to give that service, and I could not find the
>  way of getting rid of them. Also, is X11 *really* needed?
>  Feedback welcome!

saft is controlled from /etc/inetd.conf at least it was when i somehow
ended up with it.  printer is lpd, /etc/init.d/lprng stop.  X11 is
opened whenever you start X, no way around that, a ipchains rule is
the best way to deal with X IMO. Netbus and nterm, no idea.

Ethan Benson

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