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Package nearly ready. (was: Re: Bits about Intel MKL packaging -- Higher Priority than OpenBLAS


On Fri, 2018-04-27 at 11:53 -0500, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> I agree with Lumin here and not Seb -- if and when one adds MKL, it
> should
> also be higher priority. That is the point of such a package (which
> will
> likely linger in contrib or non-free anyway).

As suggested by Sébastien and Andreas, I prefer to not risk the
package violating any license. Besides, the libblas.so.3 symlink
is not the only way to use MKL because users can directly link
against libmkl_rt.so or some other MKL libs.

Because of that, libmkl_rt.so is assigend with a priority of 1,
which is even lower than taht of the netlib reference BLAS/LAPACK.

The packaging is almose finished. There are several small issue
and a weird lintian Error remain to be fixed. Despite these issues,
the scripts now produce a complete set of binary package for both
amd64 and i386. I plan to RFS soon when the issues get fixed.

I need some help on the weird lintian Error. src:intel-mkl
produces a pile of binary packages containing shared objects,
one shared object per package. I did nothing special to these
libraries but lintian reported this error on some of them:


This didn't happen on some other packages containing .so files.
My experience about dealing with other packages told me one
won't need to touch the ldconfig trigger unless there is bug
in the packaging, but this time I have no idea about it ...

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/science-team/intel-mkl

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