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Re: Request for Ideas - Astronomy working group


Le 13/03/2014 13:24, Andreas Tille a écrit :
> But hmmmm, just let me try some provocation (after I have confirmed that
> I have most probably the very same negative attitude about this way to
> fool stupid people):  Debian is about Free Software and technical
> perfectness.  We have some packages dealing with bible and quran and
> bible and we even have some astrological software maitreya.  *If* there
> is some high quality software packaged by a gifted Debian Maintainer I
> wonder what might be the best way to get a strong Debian Astro team and
> whether we should follow an exclusive or an inclusive strategy.  (End of
> provocation)

I actually would welcome high quality astrology packages, because of the
cultural interest of astrology in History. However, what I don't want is
trolls on the veracity of astrology, conspiracy theories regarding man
on the Moon etc. But perhaps they are unavoidable. I'm fine with

>>  2- the software that we personally use for certain tasks, make perhaps
>> some publicity on the packages in Debian and what they can be used for;
> I'm not sure whether I agree here.  I'd like to insist on the tasks
> concept and this could open another door for unmaintained package lists.

What I have in mind is rather extensive package reviews. Each software
is documented on its own webpages, but say I want to produce a
nice-looking chi² plot, how would I do this using Python, Yorick, MIDAS,
GDL or whatever else?

It a wild idea I know, I have not thought it through, and the Debian
wiki may not be the best place for this, but I think we lack some
trans-package documentation like this.

>> A developer mailing-list such as debian-astro-devel@alioth would be very
>> nice so we can all be in copy when each of us discuss something with
>> upstream, for instance.
> We are using the alioth list more for internal discussion.  For upstream
> contact I'd recommend debian-astro.*@lists.debian.org - this is a
> similar usage like you know from Debian Science.

I was thinking a developer-oriented address would be better for
semi-private discussions, but Alioth list archives are public anyway. At
least, that would avoid too much noise when discussing with upstream.

We need the developer list for the packages though, if we start moving
them from debian-science to debian-astro.

Regards, Thibaut.

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