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Batch systems in Debian (Was: cern software)

On 8 August 2006 at 11:24, Christian Holm Christensen wrote:
| > -- GNU queue seems nice, but dead. 
| Are you sure it's dead?  The page 
|         http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/gnu-queue/
| has an not so old entry. 

But nothing but the webpage. I glance at the CVS viewer -- dead. I think the
one thing that happened since 2001 was the move to savannah, and
unfortunately nothing else.  I could be wrong, of course ...

| > -- LLNL's slurm and munge looked interesting and simple.  
| > -- Any unofficial package somewhere that people have experience with?
| Try apt-get.org :)

I did. Nuttin' there.  

slurm and munge are easy to package, but my counter is currently at 81 so I
am hesitant to at to it, and it would be better if someone who actually used
them (and knew them better than I do now) where the maintainer.

Regards, Dirk

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                                                  -- Thomas A. Edison

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