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ruby3.1 transition

On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 11:48:37AM -0300, Lucas Kanashiro wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> DebConf is approaching (some of you might be already enjoying DebCamp)
> and I'd like to ask for ideas of topics to be discussed during our BoF.
> It is scheduled to next Friday (22nd of July) at 12:00 UTC if I am not
> confused by the timezone :)
> I'll be preparing a online document where we can collaboratively edit
> (like we did in previous years) but it is still not ready, feel free to
> reply to this email and I'll be adding your ideas to the agenda for now.

We need to start a transition to ruby3.1 ASAP. Some sub-topics:

- ruby-all-dev from experimental already enables building against
  ruby3.1 (so a test rebuild could already be done)
- we need to get ruby3.1 into testing
- ci.debian.net now supports selecting (curated) external repositories
  for tests; I would like to experiment with that for this transition to
  find autopkgtest issues ealier.

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