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Ruby team sprint(s)


This is in reference to the last mail[1] and the discussion(s) we had in
the BoF on 23rd.

Clearly enough, we've got a lot of things to do and sprints are the best
way to get a lot of things done!
So we are planning to host a Ruby sprint as soon as Ruby 2.7 is
available (either as RC or stable). Probably that's going to happen in
So maybe a good idea to have a sprint would be in December or in
January, as soon as 2.7 version is uploaded to experimental.

Cedric (CCing him) proposed to host it in Paris (being central for all);
if anyone has a problem with that, let us know?
Perhaps we should start planning it already; need approval(s) after the
date and venue is finalized.

[1]: https://lists.debian.org/debian-ruby/2019/07/msg00025.html

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