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Re: ruby-state-machine and ruby-state-machines

* Cédric Boutillier <boutil@debian.org> [160703 23:19]:
> By the way, does anyone have a ready magic
> incantation to get a list of leaf Ruby packages. Maybe there are several
> (dozens!) of old dependencies that are not used anymore and could go
> away...

So this is not the fastest query ever (takes ~90sec for me), but
this works:

        sidpkgs AS (
                select distinct
                       p1.package, p1.maintainer,
                       regexp_split_to_array(replace(regexp_replace(p1.depends, E'(\\([^\\)]+\\))', '', 'g'), ' ', ''), E'[,|]') as depends,
                       regexp_split_to_array(replace(regexp_replace(p1.recommends, E'(\\([^\\)]+\\))', '', 'g'), ' ', ''), E'[,|]') as recommends,
                       regexp_split_to_array(replace(regexp_replace(p1.suggests, E'(\\([^\\)]+\\))', '', 'g'), ' ', ''), E'[,|]') as suggests
                from packages p1
                where p1.release = 'sid'
                and p1.package not like '%-dbgsym'
                and p1.version = (select max(version) from packages p2 where p2.package = p1.package and p2.release = 'sid')
        ourpkgs AS (
                select package from sidpkgs where maintainer like '%pkg-ruby-extras%'
select p.package
from ourpkgs p
left join sidpkgs p2 on p.package = any(p2.depends)
     or p.package = any(p2.recommends)
     or p.package = any(p2.suggests)
where p2.package is null;

(To be run against the UDD database, which you can access from many
debian.org machines.)

 ,''`.  Christian Hofstaedtler <zeha@debian.org>
: :' :  Debian Developer
`. `'   7D1A CFFA D9E0 806C 9C4C  D392 5C13 D6DB 9305 2E03

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