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Re: Jekyll update

On Mon, Jun 2, 2014 at 3:06 PM, Youhei SASAKI <uwabami@gfd-dennou.org> wrote:
Dear Harlan,

At Mon, 02 Jun 2014 13:11:55 +0200,
Dominique Dumont <dod@debian.org> wrote:
> Given that Debian contributor (*) time is limited, I'd shoot for the
> solution that limit the work on contributor's time (provided users are
> not impacted), i.e. solution #1: create a package per gem. (like
> ruby-jekyll-test-plugin)


I'll create some new packages ASAP.

Sounds good to me guys.  I dug deeper into the state of multi-upstream sources, and I'm not convinced that it's really ready for mass-use, from what I saw.  Sad, but such is how it goes.  I saw that you pushed a few more packages into the repo, and they looked pretty good to me, Youhei.

Thanks for your work. I merge your work in our pkg-ruby-extras/jekyll repos.

If you can, please push our repos directly.

> You could also push your work on a new branch on pkg-ruby-extras/jekyll repo.
> This would avoid reviewers to add a remote to their git repo.

The keyring team just added my key a few days ago, and I'm still waiting on my collab-maint permissions.  Hopefully I'll be able to get it quickly and then we can eliminate that problem in the future.

What is there left to do after the packages that you added before the new version of jekyll is ready to go into sid?


Harlan Lieberman-Berg

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