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Bug#1040001: Role of tibble? (Was: Bug#1040001: Seeking advise how to proceed with the transition / move R stack to testing)


On 9 July 2023 at 17:40, Paul Gevers wrote:
| Did we already discuss that r-cran-ps also seems to be impacted by the 
| r-base change of the symbols thingy, as can be seen in r-cran-xopen [1].

Correct me if I am wrong but the "symbols thingy" was not a change in R 4.2.*
to R 4.3.*. It was a change by some packages opting into different behavior.

| In unstable r-cran-xopen works. If I take r-cran-ps, r-cran-xopen and 
| r-base from unstable and test in testing, r-cran-xopen works. If I only 
| take r-base and r-cran-ps from unstable and test in testing, 
| r-cran-xopen works. Can somebody with R understanding confirm?
|   33s Error in `not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))`: DLL requires 
| the use of native symbols
|   33s Backtrace:
|   33s   1. testthat::test_that(...)
|   33s        at test.R:4:0
|   33s   2. testthat:::test_code(desc, code, env = parent.frame(), 
| reporter = reporter)
|   33s   3. reporter$start_test(context = reporter$.context, test = test)
|   33s   4. testthat:::o_apply(self$reporters, "start_test", context, test)
|   33s   5. base::lapply(objects, f)
|   33s   6. testthat (local) FUN(X[[i]], ...)
|   33s   7. x$start_test(...)
|   33s   8. ps::ps_connections(ps_handle())
|   33s   9. ps:::psl_connections(p)
|   33s  10. ps:::not_null(.Call("psll_connections", p))

Tis would be a bug in r-cran-ps and I think a Breaks may be warranted.  We
are apparently between version 1.7.2 and 1.7.5 of package (r-cran-)ps but I
see no smoking gun in https://github.com/r-lib/ps/blob/main/NEWS.md that
would have caused this.

Looking further, `git blame` indicates that the package had
`registation=TRUE` for five years / all its existence, see line 2 here

It also used 'forceSymbols' for the same five years (lines 99 to 101 here

So I think the issue here may not be coming from ps. I has not changed how it
refers to its symbols.  Same R API, same usage.

As the last entry here is into the (unexported) ps:::not_null we can look
into it. It just indexes with map_lgl which is a local function (from R/utils)
and calls psll_connection, a local compiled function in the package.  Given
that ps always had 'native symbols', maybe testthat changed?

However, it does not force symbols :-/  Lines 20 and 21 use the two required
initialization but not the optional symbol forcing that eg ps has. 

So I got nothing here. Cause is unclear to me.

| Same for r-cran-fnn, which impacts r-cran-uwof [2].
| I think what we should do is add a versioned Breaks in r-base on 
| <packages-involved-in:r-graphics-engine>, r-cran-ps, r-cran-tibble, 
| r-cran-dplyr, r-cran-fnn. I think that's the right thing to do for 

I think it would be best to work out to corresponding package pairings and
apply the Breaks to them. If we can.

| bookworm to trixie upgrades (and current trixie to trixie with the new 
| r-base). Has anyone see other packages throwing that "DLL requires the 
| use of native symbols" error? I spotted the ones below [3, 4, 5, 6], but 
| I haven't identified which package brings in the issue. I first thought 
| it would be from the package itself, but for some (r-cran-spacetime and 
| r-cran-stars) their versions in unstable fail their own testsuite in

For spacetime and stars I suspect (based on past experience) possible
interaction from the underlying graphics libraries.

| testing. Would it hint at the same problem for the packages, or just for 
| their tests? I suspect the former, then they should also need to be 
| added to the Breaks list.
| Paul
| [1] 
| https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-xopen/35575366/log.gz
| [2] 
| https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/i386/r/r-cran-uwot/35590669/log.gz
| [3] 
| https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-intervals/35575046/log.gz
| [4] 
| https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-maldiquant/35575320/log.gz
| [5] 
| https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-spacetime/35575371/log.gz
| [6] 
| https://ci.debian.net/data/autopkgtest/testing/amd64/r/r-cran-stars/35583884/log.gz

If I am not mistaken all of these were already in the Excuses list before we
made addition of the r-graphics-engine-* tag (which was taken care of for R
4.3.* already, having it may help if another change happens like that).

So it short, the vast majority of R packages is now fine.  A persistent
subset is not under the testing regime of autopkgtest.  Unfortunately I find
the reports a little hard to read and am hence not very efficient at
pinpointing underlying causes. Above you pointed eg at [2] for uwot, I see no
error in there :-/

Obviously, I too want my package r-base in testing and I will help. But I
feel that pinning a large Breaks list on it seems a little inefficient /
unfair if the package was not causing the change. We can do if there is (as
we r-graphics-engine-*) an overwhelming feel "that we must".  

I hope some of this helped. I am sorry I cannot help much further, and I am
equally sorry my package is held up in the middle of this -- a "cost" of
having a mildly popular package I suppose.


dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd@debian.org

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