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Bug#948477: transition: openbabel

Hi Paul,

Thanks for the review.

On 2020-01-12 22:28, Paul Gevers wrote:
On 09-01-2020 08:17, merkys@debian.org wrote:
I would like to request a transition slot for openbabel (experimental ->
unstable). Current ben tracker [1] is fine, it just misses avogadrolibs,
which has been recently accepted into unstable.
Please elaborate why you think it's missing. The fact that it's new has
nothing to do with it.

It seems that avogadrolibs actually doesn't depend on libopenbabel-dev, its executables only call openbabel's executables. I've opened a bug for it [1].

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/948769

As I am team-maintaining most of these packages, I will be able to patch
and upload where needed. xdrawchem is not team-maintained.
Please file a bug against that package to notify the maintainer and mark
it as blocking this transition. We can mark the bug as RC once the
transition starts (probably soon).

Done [2].

[2] http://bugs.debian.org/948774


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