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Bug#886326: stretch-pu: package zssh/1.5c.debian.1-3.2+deb9u1

2018-02-10 19:08 GMT+08:00 Julien Cristau <jcristau@debian.org>:
> Control: tag -1 moreinfo
> On Thu, Jan  4, 2018 at 21:51:12 +0800, Boyuan Yang wrote:
>> After adoption of package zssh, I'm looking to fix the RC bug #769366 in Debian Stretch.
>> A simple rebuild solved the problem, thus requesting a pre-approval from the release team.
> What is the issue and how does a rebuild solve it?
> Thanks,
> Julien

The issue: zssh on Debian Stretch (at least on amd64 architecture)
will not start at all and the
symptom is the same as what happened in Debian Bug #769366.

As described in
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=769366#61 , Current
of zssh in Debian Stretch (on amd64 architecture, versioned
1.5c.debian.1-3.2+b4) suffers from
RC bug #769366. I had little idea why this happened because a
no-change rebuild on Debian
Stretch would make zssh fully functional. I tried gdb but the result
was not helpful.

The previous packager said he once solved this problem in a previous
upload so the problem
might have been introduced in one of the latter binNMUs.

How does a rebuild solve it? I have no idea currently: It Just Works™.
I could have digged into
the problem but the time to be spent would not be efficient when a
simple rebuild solves it.

I think those described above should make a stretch-pu for zssh reasonable.

Boyuan Yang

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