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Re: development plans for the squeeze cycle

> Heya,
> As announced on dda [RT1], we want to get an impression when releasing
> Squeeze is feasible. We have proposed a (quite ambitious) freeze in December
> 2009, and some developers have noted that their planned changes wouldn't be
> possible in this time frame. 

Unfortunately, a lot of developers are in holiday in August so it is not a very good time for gathering opinions.

> So, to find out when releasing would work for most people, I've just
> send out a heap of mails to some specific teams who maintain larger
> packages, but I would also love to hear answers from other developers:
> Do you have any big changes planned? How much time would they take, and
> what consequences are there for the rest of the project?
> How many "big" transitions will the upcoming changes cause? When should those
> happen? Can we do something to make them easier?

My main issue is that a freeze in December imply a squeeze release about one
year after lenny release. Unless the security team commit to support lenny two
years after the release of squeeze, this means a total security support for
lenny of only 2 years, which is too short. Another unrelated problem is that
the period of testing-security support might overlap with etch security support,
which might be difficult for the security team.

I think I remember a proposal of allowing upgrades to skip a release. This
would imply that the oldstable release is security-supported for some time
after the newstable release is released. In any case I do not think we have
sufficient resources to test such upgrades. We are already barely able to test
standard upgrades. Just to give an example: squeeze coreutils is incompatible
with etch 2.6.18 kernel, so it is not possible to upgrade etch to squeze
without first upgrading the kernel.


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