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Re: please unblock powermgmt-base (was Re: Bug#514889: "On battery power, so skipping file system check" when in AC power

Holger Levsen wrote:
> Sorry for not getting that AC power != battery (ouch) and the resulting 
> rudeness of my mail. It wasn't my best day yesterday but that certainly isnt 
> an excuse, though I'm telling you as it explains a bit. I hope you accept my 
> apologies.

	No problem:)

> Please run "on_ac_power ; echo $?" - I expect the result is 255.

0 when in AC power. 1 when in battery.

> Then please also run "cat /sys/class/power_supply/AC/online" when on AC power 
> and on battery. I assume the result is 1 and 0.

cat: /sys/class/power_supply/AC/online: No such file or directory

But there is cat /sys/class/power_supply/ACAD/online which is 1 when AC
is connected and 0 when not.

	When Googling around, I found the hints, that the problem may be caused
by ac module being not loaded, when filesystem checks are done.

Virgo Pärna

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