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Re: Bug#109577: version 1.23 available

On 8/28/01 11:41 AM, Philip Blundell <pb@nexus.co.uk> wrote:

>> 2. if 1.23-x is in sid, and a fix for 1.22 is required for woody, then
>> it cannot be done correctly, as the new package should go through sid,
>> and this wouldn't be possible.  Even if we bump the epoch to get
>> 1:1.22-5 >> 1.23-1, then the people running sid would get a problem
>> because their 1.23 would get downgraded
>> This looks like a major problem with the current implementation of
>> testing - one more that would advocate direct uploads into testing, or
>> at least through a testing-fixes.
> Well, no, it calls for direct uploads into frozen.  The problem only exists
> once woody freezes and it's no longer realistic to get 1.23-x into that
> distribution.  Most of the time there's no real issue.

I only have passing knowledge of how the development of unstable and
testing/frozen relate to each other, so forgive my ignorance here. I prefer
to run unstable because I rarely run into major problems (and I run debian
at home, so it's not such a big issue when they happen) and because the
newer versions of packages frequently have features which are valuable to
me. e2fsprogs 1.23 is a good example -- it allows me to leave /etc/fstab
alone and switch freely between kernels with and without ext3 support.
Nothing critical, just convenient.

It seems rather odd to me that adding a newer version to unstable would not
be feasible. I understand that packages are supposed to pass from unstable
to testing. But if testing is now frozen, why can't some packages be
uploaded into unstable and simply not make it into testing until after
freeze and release? Apparently there are two possible sorts of uploads into
unstable under a code freeze:

(1) Newer versions of a package with low urgency and no RC bugs fixed.
(2) Packages which (only) fix RC bugs.

I don't see why a package couldn't be marked as pertaining to one of the two
groups, and have only (2) pass on to testing under a code freeze. Otherwise,
an unnecessary bottleneck is introduced into the development of unstable.


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