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Re: Packaging Hybrid R/Python Software

Hi Ben,

On Fri, Nov 20, 2020 at 09:06:06PM +0000, Morledge-Hampton, Benjamin Stuart wrote:
> First, I realized that the itp_from_debian_dir command is not available on the current version of dh-r I have installed. (I installed it using apt on the Focal release of Ubuntu)  I know you initially recommended that I get the package from the unstable branch on Debian.  I assume that this version has the itp_from_debian_dir command while the release I am using does not.  With that in mind, what is the best way to get access to the unstable release?  Is there any reasonable way to get it running on my Ubuntu installation, or is this as bad of an idea as I suspect it may be?  Would I just be better off managing an unstable Debian installation alongside my Ubuntu installation?

You can clone the Git repository of dh-r and move the script to your
PATH.  Developing for Debian under Ubuntu should be OK since packages
should be build in an unstable chroot anyway.  I personally have no idea
what side effects to expect since I personally never used Ubuntu.
> Second, while pondering (and learning more about) the split between Debian and Ubuntu, I realized that I am not entirely sure where these packages that we are uploading are going to end up.  Will they be available on the stable release of Debian, or only the unstable release for some time?  If I also want them to be available on the current LTS release of Ubuntu, do I need to go through a separate sponsor, or is that something that you do by default as part of this process?

We develop for Debian unstable.  Ubuntu is syncing this from time to
time and releases this snapshot of unstable at some point in time.
Please take all this with a grain of salt - I have only rudimentary
knowledge about Ubuntu.
> Finally, while working to package MSIseq, one of the dependencies of my R package, I realized that the package has been pulled from the CRAN repository due to the maintainer's email "bouncing."  It appears that I can still package MSIseq by running dh-make-R after unpacking the tarball for MSIseq that is available on the CRAN archive, but is this even considered acceptable practice?  If not, what steps need to be taken to get the MSIseq package up on the CRAN repository again?

Sorry, I have no idea about this.
Kind regards



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