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Re: R-cran-isoband regression of autopkgtest on arm64

Hi Andreas,

Le mar. 7 avr. 2020 à 15:56, Andreas Tille <andreas@an3as.eu> a écrit :
> has anybody an idea why autopkgtest of r-cran-isoband fails on arm64?

The useful part of the log is:

> library(testthat)
> library(isoband)
> test_check("isoband")
── 1. Failure: Catch unit tests pass (@test-cpp.R#3)  ──────────────────────────
C++ unit tests:
 is a Catch v1.9.6 host application.
Run with -? for options

Crop to unit box | test-clip-lines.cpp
  Double intersections

test-clip-lines.cpp:212: FAILED:
  CATCH_CHECK( result == in_middle )
with expansion:
  0 == 4

test-clip-lines.cpp:213: FAILED:
  CATCH_CHECK( near_equal(crop1.x, 0) )
with expansion:

test-clip-lines.cpp:214: FAILED:
  CATCH_CHECK( near_equal(crop1.y, 0) )
with expansion:

test-clip-lines.cpp:215: FAILED:
  CATCH_CHECK( near_equal(crop2.x, 1) )
with expansion:

test-clip-lines.cpp:216: FAILED:
  CATCH_CHECK( near_equal(crop2.y, 1) )
with expansion:

test cases:   5 |   4 passed | 1 failed
assertions: 290 | 285 passed | 5 failed

But, I don't know how to fix this.


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