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Bug#860515: Many translations missing in french KDE lang packages while we're close to release


Tested the package and actually it fixes almost all labels. I won't raise another issue for the few missing translations which are more related to kde-l10n-fr. At least the experience now is satisfying.


2017-05-07 14:07 GMT+02:00 Julien Aubin <julien.aubin@gmail.com>:
One note : the source translation file should be put under :


2017-05-07 14:06 GMT+02:00 Julien Aubin <julien.aubin@gmail.com>:

Attached file kwidgetsaddons5_qt.qm extracted from Gentoo (featuring kwidgetsaddons 5.29.0) which contains the right translations. Put it under directory /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES and correct yes/no/cancel text appears in French in all KDE Qt5 apps, plus other texts such as untranslated confirmation dialogs.

Attached also the source translation file you can include in the build to replace the 5.28.0 file.


2017-05-07 13:51 GMT+02:00 Julien Aubin <julien.aubin@gmail.com>:
reassign 860515 kwidgetsaddons

2017-04-30 17:21 GMT+02:00 Julien Aubin <julien.aubin@gmail.com>:
Hi Maximiliano,

Thanks to Pino we've found the root of issue, which is that translations in file  /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/kwidgetaddons5_qt.qm are wrong, which causes the OK/Cancel/Apply buttons to stay in English in all KDE Qt5 apps, and other buttons and confirm dialogs like the one which allows users to customize keyboard shortcuts.

The fix consists in backporting this file from kwidgetsaddons 5.29.0 (only for French translations), which fixes the issue.

Gentoo has this version of the lib, and I could test with Gentoo's /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/kwidgetaddons5_qt.qm file which makes the issue disappear.

Could you please backport this file and re-release the package ? 

If you need help to test the packages I can do this as long as it does not break all libkf5*.

Many thanks,


2017-04-28 21:59 GMT+02:00 Julien Aubin <julien.aubin@gmail.com>:

I could test with Gentoo file fo/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/kwidgetaddons5_qt.qm and it fixes the issue for all KDE Qt5 Apps. Gentoo uses version 5.29.0 of this package. Backporting the translation file to Debian will do the trick.

Thanks again.

2017-04-28 7:10 GMT+02:00 Julien Aubin <julien.aubin@gmail.com>:
Le 28 avr. 2017 06:55, "Pino Toscano" <pino@debian.org> a écrit :
In data venerdì 28 aprile 2017 04:27:04 CEST, Julien Aubin ha scritto:
> Le 27 avr. 2017 23:29, "Pino Toscano" <pino@debian.org> a écrit :
> In data giovedì 27 aprile 2017 22:30:43 CEST, Julien Aubin ha scritto:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > This is why to me this bug is a showstopper for release, as
> > > > there are many French Debian users around (incl. Africa and Quebec)
> and
> > > > such an issue makes UX issue look... amateurish.
> > >
> > > This is still not a reason to make this bug "grave" from the beginning,
> > > with only generic and unhelpful instructions on *where* to find the
> > > issue.
> > >
> > > For the rest of the details, see my other email.
> > >
> > > > For apps with full untranslated sections, adding the files I below
> would
> > > > solve the issue.
> > >
> > > Not really, no. This list has no utility, other than "some things where
> > > not translated to French in software currently packaged in Debian".
> > >
> >
> > Okay I understand. Now it would be really great to include them before
> > release.
> Include what?
> The untranslated messages for kmail antispam, korganizer, ...

They are not part of kde-l10n/fr 16.04.x, which means they were not
translated, and thus there's nowhere we can take them from.
They are not even translated in 16.08.x (which is the version of the
majority of non-PIM stuff from KDE Applications), so what you ask is
simply not possible.

Okay too bad :'( but well if these are the only chunks of translations which are missing this is a smaller issue, even though they exist in kde-l10n-pl.

But backporting French translations from libkf5widgetsaddons-data 5.29 seems essential to me as without it every single KDE Qt5 app is crippled with English text when using a French KDE, i.e. Konsole, Calligra suite, Krita, Kdenlive, Dolphin, Kontact, ... Don't hesitate to ask me to test as long as updating this package w/ libkf5widgetsaddons on my system does not break other dependencies.

Pino Toscano

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