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Re: IRC meeting to plan further team maintenace of jenkins.debian.(net|org)

On Tue, Aug 09, 2016 at 10:04:03AM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> As already discussed briefly some times on IRC, I believe it would be
> good to have an IRC meeting about the future maintenance of
> jenkins.debian.(net|org).
> As for the date I would like to suggest Wednesday, August 24th, 18 UTC.
> If that works for everyone who likes to attend, great! If it doesn't
> work for you, please reply privately to me until Sunday, August, 11th,
> 0 UTC (aka Saturday night!) and I will setup a doodle poll covering
> dates between the 24th and the 31st of August.

and the meeting shall take place on #debian-qa on irc.oftc.net…


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