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Re: Request to join the team

On 31/12/2023 15:02, Stefano Rivera wrote:
Hi Eduardo (2023.11.19_12:52:22_+0000)
I'd like to join the Python team. I intend to package the browser_cookie3
module (https://github.com/borisbabic/browser_cookie3), ITP #1056159.

What's the use-case for this package in Debian? It's a bit of a weird
library (digging around in the user's browser profile isn't something

The general use case is mostly for scraping utilities that require a session cookie, one logs in to the site, then this library can help getting the cookie so that the requests including the cookie can be made.

The specific use case is that a next version of instaloader (https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/instaloader), a Instagram scraper, will probably require this library (the current RC version includes the feature that uses this library).

Please prepare some packaging on salsa and get some review of it. I
don't really like to add members to the team when the only work I can
see of theirs is an email requesting membership...

As a matter of fact, I have already done so: https://lists.debian.org/debian-python/2023/12/msg00042.html . The package is in my personal salsa area: https://salsa.debian.org/ekalin/browser-cookie3


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