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Re: Sponsorship request: python-ping3

Carles Pina i Estany <carles@pina.cat> wrote on 18/10/2023 at 01:56:46+0200:

> [[PGP Signed Part:No public key for A802884F60A55F81 created at 2023-10-18T01:56:46+0200 using RSA]]
> Hi,
> On 17 Oct 2023 at 22:42:27, Carles Pina i Estany wrote:
> [...]
>> >  2. Regarding testing, this package is a bit a mess. First you probably
>> >     realized that you can't run tests at buildtime because a raw socket
>> >     requires root privilege. I see you designed custom autopkgtest to
>> yep...
>> [...]
>> >     From there you have two options: the first one is to drop the
>> >     Testsuite: field and keep the two tests you designed and call it a
>> >     day, or you drop it and write a third test stanza in
>> >     debian/tests/control with a shell script you'd also have to write
>> >     that moves the tests to the tmp dir autopkgtest creates, puts
>> >     localhost in /etc/hosts and then run tests. In that case you need
>> >     to add pytest to the dependencies of this test stanza.
>> Sounds doable no problem, I'll try it this evening and see how it goes.
> From doable to "I'm 99% sure that not possible". I cannot send pings
> from autopkgtest in salsa with any software.
> Side note: I remembered that when using "needs-internet": HTTP GET
> requests (even using hostnames) works. This is my first package for
> Debian, but I've used autopkgtest with needs-internet to run a sphinx
> "linkcheck" and it was working correctly.
> I've checked that no ICMP replies even using the standard ping binary
> from iputils-ping:
> -----
> Test-Command: set +e ; ping -c 4 ; ping -c 4 example.com ; curl -s -I https://en.wikipedia.org ; curl -s -L https://en.wikipedia.org | head -5
> Depends: python3-ping3, iputils-ping, curl
> Restrictions: needs-root, needs-internet
> Features: test-name=test-real-ping
> -----
> That's in:
> https://salsa.debian.org/carlespina/python-ping3/-/blob/autopkgtest-connectivity/debian/tests/control
> The output:
> https://salsa.debian.org/carlespina/python-ping3/-/jobs/4822521#L213
> 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3059ms
> 4 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3079ms
> Even more: I think that curl -I (--head) (HTTP HEAD) might not work? but
> curl HTTP GET works. I'm not sure about the curl -I but I don't think it
> is relevant for this discussion. Somewhere, I think, I had read
> something that it implied that autopkgtest needs-internet was using a
> proxy? I cannot find it anyway and ICMP seems that cannot be used.
> So, for now, I've:
> -Used wrap-and-soft (excellent!).
> -Removed "set -e" in one of my Test-Commands: it's the default in
>  autopkgtest (I discovered with the "pings..." and then documenation)
> -Fixed a cosmetic line in d/tests/control (s/features/Features)
> -Removed "Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-pybuild" from d/control because
>  ICMP is not available anyway
> -Ran dch -r to update the date
> -"dput --force mentors python-ping3_4.0.4-1_amd64.changes"
> I've also discovered that there are a few unit tests in upstream that do
> not work. Some have an easy fix, I will do a MR of the fixes that I've
> done for some of them (separately, in GitHub, not tonight).
>> Your call.
>> Tell me when you're fine with your work and I'll upload.
> To me, it can be uploaded :-)
> Let me know if I need or can do anything else.

Uploaded, remember to put a tag on the latest commit. :)

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