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Re: Team maintained packages and git-dpm (was Re: Team upload for python-jedi)

On January 22, 2017 8:11:26 PM EST, Nikolaus Rath <Nikolaus@rath.org> wrote:
>On Jan 23 2017, Brian May <bam@debian.org> wrote:
>[ Convert from git-dpm to gbp ]
>> Or would dgit be a better option? I confuse I don't really understand
>> dgit.
>dgit can be used with both git-dpm and gbp. Moving to dgit-only would
>mean to use a single-debian-patch.

Which would be horrible.  single-debian-patch means that to understand the upstream modifications, access to the packaging VCS is required.  I think that would be a huge step backwards.

Downstream consumers of our packages, like the security team and derivatives, should be able to consume the source package as a complete, non-obfuscated representation of the source. I'm not sure it's even DFSG free since it's not the preferred form of modification for the packaging (we need to ship source for that too).

This is not saying we shouldn't change.  We probably either need to adopt git-dpm or switch to something else.  Let's just make sure it's not something that uses single-debian-patch.

Scott K

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