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Re: requests 2.7.0 in Debian experimental

On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 10:01 AM, Daniele Tricoli <eriol@mornie.org> wrote:

I have uploaded version 2.7.0 of requests in experimental because it breaks
backwards compatibility.

I already found that httpie needs to be update to 0.9.2[¹], but I'll start
checking all requests dependants in the following days.
If your package has requests as dependency, and you want help me (:D), please
test it with the new version and make sure all it's fine.

My plan is to systematically check dependants before ask from the release team
a transition slot for requests (this should be the proper way to handle this
issue IIUC).

Kind regards,


 Daniele Tricoli 'Eriol'

Thanks for being so awesome Daniele!

To elaborate on the problem with httpie: We are trying to start cleaning up a lot of technical debt. There were constants defined in requests.compat and httpie was relying on some of those instead of determining them for itself/using a library like six. I checked a bunch of consumers before removing those constants, but I missed httpie. Needless to say, we haven't add those back since httpie released a fix very quickly.

To make it easier for everyone else, if you want to grep through the packages you maintain for any of the symbols removed here: https://github.com/kennethreitz/requests/commit/f37fe551bbbf6ac8d07c35c64888b4ab289c967d it should be sufficient.


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