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Re: Debian lenny update : nxutils.so: undefined symbol: __gxx_personality_v0

* Adeodato Simó [Thu, 23 Oct 2008 17:48:18 +0200]:

> The upload is at the moment in a suite called "lenny-proposed-updates".
> You would be able to install it if you add this to your sources.list:

>   deb http://your.mirror.org/debian unstable main

Or you can fetch it from:


(Or, if you don't use i386, your architecture.)

Adeodato Simó                                     dato at net.com.org.es
Debian Developer                                  adeodato at debian.org
Hay quien sueña con la alquimia
que haga del vicio virtud
                -- Luis Eduardo Aute, Giraluna

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