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Re: help with writing a PEP to ease software distribution

Nicolas Chauvat <nicolas.chauvat@logilab.fr> writes:

> Could some people from the Debian-Python team help out with this?

> Would you mind joining the discussion on distutils-sig at
> http://www.python.org/community/sigs/current/distutils-sig/list/ ?

Huge thanks to Josselin Mouette and all others for ongoing effort in
the above discussion, presenting clear, positive explanations about
exactly what will improve operating system package maintainers's lives
when dealing with Python “distributions”.

It's a great step forward from hearing only “distutils sucks, and
setuptools is worse” to the current ongoing discussion with the
Python distutils people on specifically how to improve the situation.

Keep it up, folks!

 \      “If I haven't seen as far as others, it is because giants were |
  `\                           standing on my shoulders.” —Hal Abelson |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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