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os.path: Installing Pyhton2.2 the debian way

Hi Mailinglist,

> it looks like os.path.realpath was introduced in python2.2.

How do I install python2.2 the debian way ?
On my PC I got the deb's: python (dummy), python2.1 and python2.2 installed

emal@buster:~$ ls -l /usr/bin/python*
lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            9 2002-12-17 14:10 /usr/bin/python -> python2.1
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         511K 2002-09-07 17:36 /usr/bin/python2.1
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root         726K 2002-09-07 16:38 /usr/bin/python2.2

The programm "dpkg-reconfigure" has no effekt, it run a few seconds and then stop without any output.
root@buster:~$dpkg-reconfigure --frontend Dialog --force python
root@buster:~$dpkg-reconfigure --frontend dialog --force python2.1
root@buster:~$dpkg-reconfigure --frontend dialog --force python2.2

All 3 packages have (nearly) the same content, it would be possible, to change all symbolic links (bin, man, etc.) and the paths and env variables. But it's lots of work and a really "unclean" solution.
How does the "debian way" (if it exists)  looks like to do this?
Are there any other solutions, suggestions?

Thanks and regards

emal@buster:~$ dpkg -L python

emal@buster:~$ dpkg -L python2.1

emal@buster:~$ dpkg -L python2.2

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