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Re: Bug#82088: Request build against tcl/tk8.3

[Cc list trimmed a bit; my apologies if you're getting copies and don't want

On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 08:56:19PM +0100, Gregor Hoffleit <gregor@hoffleit.de> spake forth:
> Anyway, I guess I'll build the next package revision with Tcl/Tk8.3. I'm
> also working on backporting Tkinter from Python 1.6a2 to the python-tk
> package in order to make the transition complete (and in order to resolve me
> from the task of installing/deinstalling the correct tk8.x-dev packages each
> time I'm building python or python2 ;-).

You may want to hold off on that for a few days while I work out the strange
bug that's preventing tcl8.3 from building only on m68k. That bug is the
principal reason that tcl8.3 and tk8.3 aren't yet in testing, but Roman has
promised an account on kullervo to try to figure it out.

> Or does somebody think it's worthwhile to provide python2-tk8.x packages ?
> Since the tk8.0-dev and tk8.3-dev still seem to conflict, the building of
> the packages would be the biggest problem.

Yes, you'd need separate source packages I think...

Mike Markley <mike@markley.org>
GPG: 0x3B047084 7FC7 0DC0 EF31 DF83 7313  FE2B 77A8 F36A 3B04 7084

Another war ... must it always be so?  How many comrades have we lost
in this way? ...  Obedience.  Duty.  Death, and more death ...
- Romulan Commander, "Balance of Terror", stardate 1709.2

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