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Debian at SCALE

Hi Debian Friends,

We're excited to have the Debian community joining us again at SCALE in March.
As usual several of your community members and devs will be staffing a booth in our exhibit hall.

We were wondering if you might be open to posting a message on your twitter feed, micronews, site or other socials mentioning that Debian will be at SCALE again this year.  We want to invite your community out to meet with you at the event.

March 9-12, 2023
Pasadena, CA

Our twitter hand is @socallinuxexpo and we're on Mastadon here: https://social.linux.pizza/@socallinuxexpo

We have some graphics available here as well: https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale/20x/promo-items

Appreciate any help you can offer in getting the word out to your community.


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