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Re: metaphors and feminism

On 31.03.19 11:22, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Mike Hommey:
>> That's the primary structural distinction as an effect, but OTOH, the NM
>> process is a rather extensive vetting process.
> Not all Debian Developers went through the NM process.  Account
> creation was handled differently in the beginning.  (I wasn't around
> and don't know the details.)

During the 1995-1997 period Debian Developers were vetted by Simon
Shapiro and me.
At that time we hosted the Debian core infrastructure at our ISP.

If people participated on the lists and seemed trustworthy, we usually
had several phone calls with the prospects
and then created the required accounts on our Debian servers.

During this period Debian grew from about 60 to 250 developers.

Later the services got de-centralized and distributed over several


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