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Re: Pro-ftpd 1.3.3a

Hi Juan,

On Mon, June 16, 2014 20:35, Juan Barrera wrote:
> My name is Juan Barrera. I am a security analyst at Trustwave. I am
> looking for information about whether or not Proftpd-1.3.3a is going
> continue receiving support.  Visiting:
> https://www.debian.org/News/2014/20140424  says that  Debian GNU/Linux 6.0
> (code name squeeze) will continue receiving  support until February 2016.
> However, it does not say anything about continuing support to this
> specific package.  Can you please point me in the right direction so I can
> obtain more information about that fact this version (Proftpd-1.3.3a) is
> out of date and needs to be upgraded to the most current one?

In principle all packages in Debian squeeze are subject to long term
support without a number of explicitly excluded packages of which ProFTPd
is not one.

Debian tracks security vulnerabilities in the Security Tracker. According
to this tracker, there are no open issues in ProFTPd in Squeeze:

If you believe this information is correct, you can report this to the
relevant people; how to reach them is listed at the "reporting problems"
link at the bottom of that page.


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